Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Devotion 2014_028 : Why compromise NOT?

READING: Mark 15: 6-15; Pilate Hands Jesus Over to be Crucified

Mark 15:15 (NIV) - Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.


Allow me to highlight the phrase:  Wanting to satisfy the crowd

How many time have I entered into compromise? Honestly, I couldn't count nor remember anymore. Many times or oftentimes, it was something I did that leads me to a more difficult situation or sometimes, I find it hard to get out from.

I once heard from a Pastor, Dr. Greg Mitchell during Fearless Parenting Seminar we've attended, and he said "Today's solution is tomorrow's problem."

Because we compromise. Compromising is a temporary solution. An escape goat. By doing such, we missed the bigger picture.

There are a lot of factors that gives us so much pressure making us enter into a compromise, into a meet-in-between state. Compromising is not a Win-Win situation. It will never will.

We get pressure from our work, our boss, our peers or co-workers, friends, neighborhood, family and even pressure from our own selves. (i.e preserving self-image or status). We want to be the Mr. or Ms. Congeniality for All Season. We want to please them more than pleasing God and doing what is righteous.

I remember during my BF-GF days with A (now my hubby), I compromise my faith and my learning on sexual purity. I lay aside God's clear statement on marriage and relationship between a man and a woman. I made foolish decision based on someone's preference. I tried to satisfy people someone and so I give in to SIN. I was deceived on the thinking that it's typical. It is acceptable by the society. I am just as normal like the others. A typical lady.

But guess what, that time, I'm missing God's promise to those who WAIT and OBEY.

Good thing, God is always merciful, forgiving and loving for those who repent, humbled themselves and come back to God.

I did that.

And when I finally obeyed, I had a REALIZATION that turns to a REVELATION.

As what I read from my Life Application Bible, and it goes:
"God promises to honor those who do right, not those who make everyone happy."

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